Introduce the best “Yifan” to Yifan

Yifan Wang
3 min readJun 13, 2021


Some reflections after doing The Fascinate Test.

Despite that “ourselves” seem the most intimate persons in our life, normally we don’t ask ourselves “who are we?” and “what we want?”. It felt like I never get to know “Yifan” as an individual soul that separate from my body.

By doing this communication test, examining how I express to others and exploring feelings to different positions in social or working life, I got a good opportunity to perceive myself in a different point of view.

According to the outcome report, my archetype is THE VICTOR.


I think this result is quite reasonable, meanwhile I am also a bit surprised; I have always been the center in my social friend circle, and I also enjoy planning and managing things with the most control. I like taking responsibilities, and I also feel self-realized when my existence are proven supportive to others.

However, in recent years, I feel my confidence as a leader has been fading down as I grew up seeing bigger world and met a lot excellent peers who in their expertise are more skillful than me. For intance, once I was the best student at the middle school in my hometown Lanzhou, and then until I went to high school in Beijing, the capital of the country, I met a lot excellent students who are both intelligent and hardworking and I realized that I was not the smartest student no more. Later, as I started college life in University of California, San Diego, I found there are a lot more talented and diligent peers. Thus, sometimes I feel over-stressed by the worry that I might not so competent to lead the team to achieve the best position, and sometimes I feel frustrated once the whole team’s operation process deviated from my expectations.

This result has encouraged me to keep positive on my instinct personality, because it suggests that you are most valuable when you communicate in the way you are most fitting in.

By reviwing the quick coaching to The Victor also quite helpful to alleviate potential issues in my personality.

Like this report has suggested, I should be more respectful and thoughtful to diversified perspevtives from others rather than leading solely on my own. This actually is very useful especially when I am also stressed by the pressure of too much responsibilities.

I really appreciate this experience. As a person who nowadays often doubt myself wether I am qualified to execute the leading personality, I think this report has given me a big “YES” to realize my most valuable feature. And this lesson is not only supportive to establish our complete self-regnization, but also enable us to best perform and communicate with other in the social circumstances. Hope by the end of this summer, I will fully understand the meanings behind The Vector personality, and I would like to listen as well as to share our experience and growth after this great lesson.



Yifan Wang

Graduate student in NYU, Integrated Makreting, studied in UC San Diego, authentic Dog lover